Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 11 - Parent's Prayer

Day 11.

The Jamboree is done.

They don't say "Good Bye" to their new friends around the globe, but rather "See Ya Later" or "Till We Meet Again". There is some last minute frantic exchange of contacts, patches and gifts, hug, kisses and tears.

We pray that they've had a dry night. We thank God above for our fantastic crew leaders and international service team volunteers who have toiled and sweated for our youth . We give thanks for this wonderful experience that helps to shape our young adult's minds and souls.

The flight home will be long and they'll arrive late at night. They'll be sad to leave the Jamboree, be happy to sleep in their own beds soon , and be full of the scouting spirit to bring back to their home units and inspire those that follow.

We pray for safe travels and give thanks for the skilled pilots, cabin crew, drivers, and who bring our children and loved ones safely home. Amen

Here is asking God's blessing for safe travel mercies for all scouts traveling home to their destinations! We are sooo looking forward to seeing our kids. God Bless... Safe travels!
Submitted by Lori G.

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