The crew of 36 youth and 4 advisors is organized into 4 patrols or teams with names chosen from Philmont program sites:
- Rayado (blue) - a starting point into the southern wilderness, it is a wild west town that hosts the Kit Carson museum. It is also the name of an 'extreme' personal leadership and physical experience where adventurers cover some 200 miles in 4 weeks and encounter exclusive challenges and unique areas of the ranch. Rayado crew members can be characterized by Teamwork.
- Miranda (yellow) - is a Mountain Man program camp in the rugged northern wilderness where crews get a change to learn and practice black powder rifle shooting. Miranda crew members can be characterized by Skill.
- Anasazi (green) - is a Philmont trail camp and a starting point for adventure into the rugged northern section of the Philmont wilderness. It is near to the worlds only known Tyrannosaurus Rex track. It is also a Navaho name for "Ancient Ones" used to describe an ancient American Indian pueblo people that inhabited the area in 1200 BC. Anasazi crew members can be characterized by Knowledge.
- Uracca (red) - a program camp located on a mesa in the southern wilderness features challenge events and a great campfire program. It has a long history of supernatural and mythical associations dating to the local indigenous tribes. Uracca crew members can be characterized by Tradition.
Meet the Adult Leaders
Robyn L. Knoll Advisor to the President | |
Occupation & Company | Math Education, Independent Consultant |
Current Position in Scouting | World Jamboree Venturing Advisor |
Council and Location | Grand Canyon Council, Phoenix, Arizona |
Years in Scouting | 10+ |
Previous Adult Scouting Experience | Area Venturing Training Chair, National Jamboree International Service Team, World Jamboree Associate Advisor & Crew President; Western Region Venturing President; Region Youth Leadership Conference Founder; National Training Team Focus Group; Philmont Ranger & Training Center Faculty; BSA Curricula Editor: NAYLE Venturing Bridge; Venturing Crew Advisor; Philmont Trek Advisor; Camp Program Director. |
Professional Experience | Math Education Independent Consultant, Retail Distribution logistics, graduate of Northern Arizona University. |
Recognitions | Wood Badge, Powder horn, Venturing Leadership Award: National, Region, Council; Venturing Silver / Ranger |
Michael Hardebeck Assoc Advisor - Logistics | |
Occupation & Company | Information Technology Manager,U.S. Navy, Yokosuka Japan |
Current Position in Scouting | Far East Council Vice President |
Council and Location | Far East Council #803, Yokosuka, Japan |
Years in Scouting | 35+ |
Previous Adult Scouting Experience | NAYLE Scoutmaster; World Jamboree Venturing Advisor, AA, ASM; National Jamboree Extreme Sports / Mountain Boarding; Faculty: Philmont Training Center, National Camp School, Area CDC; Committees: Multicultural, All Markets, Membership Recruiting, New Unit Growth / Retention, Teen Task Force, Venturing: National, Region; Training: Area, Council, District; OA Lodge Advisor; Commissioner: Assistant District & Unit; Camp Program Director, National Council Representative, Scouting Association of Japan Liaison, Unit ASM and Chair, NYLT and Wood Badge Staff/Course Director |
Recognitions | Eagle Scout, Vigil, St. George, Silver Antelope, Region Venturing Leadership Award, Silver Beaver, District Award of Merit, International Scouting, Commissioner’s Arrowhead, Scouter’s Key, Scouter’s Training, James E West Fellowship, Youth Religious, Arrow of Light. |
Erica Audette Assoc Advisor - Admin | |
Occupation & Company | District Executive, Boy Scouts of America |
Current Position in Scouting | Santa Margarita District Executive |
Council and Location | San Diego Imperial Council, San Diego, California |
Years in Scouting | 10+ |
Previous Adult Scouting Experience | Selected as Western Region World Jamboree Venturing Associate Advisor prior to becoming a Scouting Professional. National Jamboree Action Centers Admin & Public Relations Lead. Adventure Base 100 Film Coordinator; BSA Curricula Editor: New Unit Retention; NAYLE Venturing Bridge; Together Plan. Venturing Crew Advisor; Philmont & Northern Tier Trek Advisor; NYLT ASM and Admin Lead; Commissioner: Unit & Assistant District; Cub Day Camp & Boy Scout Resident Camp Staff Venturing Advisor for the Chica Patrol, Scout Troop Membership Chair, Pack Treasurer, Den Leader for WEBELOS, Bear, and Wolf; Girl Scouts: Service Unit Juliette Low Coordinator, Brownie Troop Leader, and Service Unit Secretary. |
Professional Experience | Service Center Manager, Finance & Development Assistant; Event Coordinator/Assistant for over 400 units and $2 million in accounts. |
Recognitions | Wood Badge, Powder horn, Scouter’s Training, 100th Anniversary award for Advancement & Leadership. |
Evan Sawyer Assoc Advisor - Program | |
Occupation & Company | Undergraduate Student, Rose-Hulman Institute of Tech |
Current Position in Scouting | Area Venturing President |
Council and Location | Grand Columbia Council, Yakima, Washington |
Years in Scouting | 10+ |
Previous Adult Scouting Experience | Venturing Area President; Order of the Arrow Section Chief; National Jamboree Mountain Boarding Team Leader; National Jamboree Extreme Sports Executive Team; National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE) Senior Patrol Leader and Faculty; World Jamboree Crew President; International Bid Team for 2019 World Jamboree at The Summit; BSA Curricula Editor: NAYLE Venturing Bridge; OA Section Conclave vice Chief, OA Service Corps, Camp faculty. |
Professional Experience | Undergraduate studies in Engineering, Marketing apprentice, International Travel, National Committee youth representative. |
Recognitions | Eagle Scout, Vigil, Wood Badge, Powder horn, Venturing Leadership Award: National, Region, Council; Venturing Silver / Ranger |