Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Our last day in San Francisco was an amazing day of bonding as a unit and learning to put others before oneself.

There were two opportunities that presented themselves to our youth today.

We did a little sightseeing today, going around town on public transportation.  One bus driver watched out for the purple crew.  Jenn Leja took a moment to thank her with a special jambo patch and made the bus drivers day.  With a huge smile on her face, she stated she was going to sew it on her uniform.

The second was dinner at The Codmother's, a small little street vendor down by fisherman's wharf.  Suzanne has been in business for 4 months, today the crew ate dinner at her place, by doing so we were able to provide the resources for her to make her rent and taxes...as we left her establishment, she was all smiles and tears because of her experience with our youth taking the time to thank her, give her a patch and take a picture.

In the future, if you are in san francisco, take a moment and an enjoy the best fish and chips this side of the atlantic.

Time for me to go and join the others in our final stages of packing....tomorrow is a big day



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