Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Things To Bring That Are NOT On Your Checklist

(Passing along some pearls of wisdom from Don Roberts, another parent from our Crew...)
  • Duct Tape - Bring a small roll (or create a small roll of 10-20' in length). It has a light side, a dark side and it binds the universe. What more can I say? You are at WSJ, your patrol encounters a problem, no one has what is needed, and you and your roll of duct tape come to the rescue. You are now the hero and go-to person of your patrol.

  • Zip Loc Bags - Bring a few in assorted sizes. It will rain, you will accumulate stuff, you need to organize in your bag. Zip locs save the world. Unless, of course, you want to manufacture a pouch out of your duct tape :-).

  • Zip Ties - Bring a few in assorted sizes. If the duct tape doesn't do, the zip ties do. Be the hero, be prepared. Amazing how handy these things come in.

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